Daily Archive: December 26, 2018


El Templo Revelado En El Jardin: Sacerdotes Y Reyes (Volume 2)

El Jardín en Edén estaba lleno de árboles productores de fruto, plantas y pastos que brotaban y ríos que fluían suavemente. Adán, el rey/sacerdote elegido de Di-s, fue llamado para cultivar el suelo fértil...


The Temple Revealed in the Garden: Priests and Kings (Volume 2)

The Garden in Eden was filled with fruit-producing trees, sprouting plants and grasses, and gently flowing rivers. Adam, God’s chosen king/priest, was called to cultivate the garden’s fertile soil, to guard the sacred space...


The Temple Revealed in Creation: A Portrait of the Family

The subject of the Temple in Jerusalem usually generates a great deal of debate peppered with lots of questions and sprinkled with more than a little controversy. Some view the Temple as a building...