Category: Torah/OT

Ki Tavo 0

Ki Tavo

This week the Torah portion is Ki Tavo (when you come). My focus in this portion is on the basket the children of Israel used to carry the First Fruits or Bikkurim of the...


Study to Show Yourself Approved Session 1

This is a new series called “Study to Show Yourself Approved,” which has everything you wanted to know about study from a Hebraic perspective. It is a nine program series which is the culmination of thirty-five years...


Hezekiah and the Messiah (4 parts)

Dr. Diana Dye looks at the life and story of Hezekiah. The rabbis associate Hezekiah with the Messiah and Sennacherib as Gog and Magog. She examines key figures, problems with dating, and prophetic symbolism....


The Color Blue is the Center of the Universe

The color blue is said to rule the mind, our reasoning ability and the intellect as well as represent knowledge, dignity and intuition. The color blue also plays an important role in the Bible. ...


Rachel and The Holy Spirit

“A voice is heard on high, wailing, bitter weeping. Rachel weeps for her children; she refuses to be consoled for her children, because there are none…but they will return from the enemy’s land. There...