Study to Show Yourself Approved Session 1
This is a new series called “Study to Show Yourself Approved,” which has everything you wanted to know about study from a Hebraic perspective. It is a nine program series which is the culmination of thirty-five years worth of study and research.
Download the PDF Workbook for this series
Why is study so important?
In this session you will see why the Sages say study is the highest form of worship and is of more value than the daily offering. I take a look at the difference between wisdom and knowledge, and some of the dangers of exalting knowledge above our relationship with the Father. I discuss some of the pitfalls as it relates to study in the Christian community as well as the Hebrew Roots community. Finally, I examine the roll of the teacher and some of the challenges they face. This teaching will prepare you for digging into the Scriptures .
Part 1
Part 1 -
I am running behind on the teaching” Studying to show yourself approved” . My computer is frozen and unusable at this time. I am registered as a full member ship. I will have to get my computer repaired next week then get the JavaScript down loaded before I can start any teaching. My understanding of the full membership is that one can take any of the teaching at my own pace. Hope so! I am so excited to participate in Dr Dye’s programs. I watch her every time she is on GLC. I love her teachings. I tried to download Javascript to my iPad won’t take JavaScript. Pat Korzenewski Abilene Texas
Pat – Don’t worry you can watch the videos at your own pace and as many times as you like and with your membership level you can download the teachings as well onto your computer. So after you get your computer fixed you can take full advantage of all the videos. Blessings. Diana
can’t see how to download the videos or the audio…..also what workbook? This is very exciting!! Thank you for doing this!!! Shalom, JoAnne
Hi JoAnne, The “Study to Show Yourself Approved” series will have an accompanying workbook that matches each video topic. Each chapter will have some commentary, some definitions, a variety of questions, and finally a couple of projects. There will also be a bibliography for that particular topic. It should be completed by the end of November and then will be available at the website for “full download members”.
Dont have the study books,how can I get them for the Study to show yourself approved ?.
Hi Ruby. The workbook is not yet finished – I’m still in the process of writing it. I’m hoping it will be done by mid-January. It will then be available for “full download members” to download from the website. Thanks for your patience. Blessings. Diana
Thank you, Dr. Dye, especially for encouraging wisdom and common sense over pride-inducing knowledge and for the exhortations to teachers. I wish I had been exposed to your course here before homeschooling my children. I can’t get enough of all you are teaching. Zechariah 8:23 Thank you so much, Lydia Key
Thank you so much Lydia for your kind words. It is always a blessing to hear that the material is making a difference in people’s lives.
Praying for your speedy recovery. Can you give an update on your condition?
Doing well now. I’m back to normal. Thanks.