Category: All Teachings


Gospel of John: Bread of Heaven

In this teaching, a contrast is made between bread that comes up from the earth, and manna, which comes down from heaven. The teaching also links the manna to the leftovers and the double...


The Offerings: Food for the Body

Click on the link to hear Diana’s audio teaching from Tzav. Part 1 – Audio Tzav (Leviticus 6:1-8:36) Shalom, this is Dr. Diana Dye and welcome to this week’s portion from Leviticus or Vayikra...


Gospel of John: Five Loaves and Two Fish

This session focuses on the significance of the various numbers as they relate to the Messianic kingdom. It examines the 5000 fed, the 5 loaves of bread, and the 2 fish, which all point...


Pekudei: The Mishkan Raised Up

Click on the link to hear Diana’s audio teaching from Pekudei. Part 1 – Audio


Gospel of John: Pool Called Bethesda

This session compares the experience of the crippled man at the pool of Bethsaida with Israel and their time at Kadesh. Just as this man waited 38 years to be healed as he tried...


Four More Months

This teaching focuses on John 4 and the story of the woman at the well at the time of Shavuot. It also explains the reason Yeshua used the expression “four more months and then...


Tetzaveh: A Message from the Olive Tree

Be inspired by the message of the Olive tree as Diana examines the crushing of a man and gives an explanation about a special festival (Tu’B’Av), which takes place in the Olive groves of...


Gospel of John: Born Again

This teaching gives an in depth look at the Festival of the New Moon in John chapter four and shows its connection to the concept of being “born again.” Another name for Rosh Chodesh...