Foundations in Torah Dr. Dinah Dye


The “Aleinu”

The Special Prayer called “Aleinu”.   There is a special prayer in the Siddur called the “Aleinu” which means, “it is our duty”. It is actually one of the very oldest prayers and is...


Marriage in Israel

Dr. Diana Dye looks at the wedding from a broader perspective. Not only does she examine the two stages of marriage, but she also looks at the wedding week through the celebration of all...


Hezekiah and the Messiah (4 parts)

Dr. Diana Dye looks at the life and story of Hezekiah. The rabbis associate Hezekiah with the Messiah and Sennacherib as Gog and Magog. She examines key figures, problems with dating, and prophetic symbolism....


The Beatitudes In Genesis

Diana examines the beatitudes from the perspective of Psalms 145-150. She also explains how the “Ashrei” or “happy is the man” actually goes back to the very first word in the Bible. She discusses...


The Heart of the Matter

The Bible is clear, “Whoever says “fool” incurs the penalty of burning in the fire of Gei Hinnom.” Why such strong words about the fool and what does this really mean? In our culture...


Into His Presence

This is a 4 part series that looks at the facets of the offering service. We explain the ancient altar ritual of the burnt offering and how this ritual continues today in the Siddur,...


Salvation Is Of The Jews

This teaching is divided into two parts. The first is called Death at the Altar and looks at the elevation offering and its importance in our daily walk. We then examine the burnt offering...


Mark of the Beast

Dr. Dye takes a fresh new look at the subject of the mark of the beast. She begins with descriptions of the phylacteries (the tefillin) and the concept of skin infections (tzar’at) and then...

Mark of The Beast – Preview Video

Dr. Dye takes a fresh new look at the subject of the mark of the beast. She begins with descriptions of the phylacteries (the tefillin) and the concept of skin infections (tzar’at) and then...


The Voice of the Holy Spirit

There is nothing like the voice of a mother calling for her children to come home. A child can always hear her voice no matter the circumstance. That is because her voice is unique,...