Category: Festivals/liturgy


V’yigash: Goshen, Chanukah and the Temple

This week’s portion is packed full of some of the most amazing connections to the Messiah; some are obvious and some not.   So here is a rather unique perspective on the land of Goshen...

Chol haMoed Sukkot 0

Chol haMoed Sukkot

It was a Chol haMoed Sukkot (the intermediate days of Sukkot), in John 7, when Yeshua arrived at the Temple precincts to teach.  Scripture says he came in secret.  Most translations indicate it was...


Yom Kippur: Casting lots

A unique Temple ceremony for Yom Kippur was the casting of lots by the high priest as he designated one goat to the Lord and the other goat to Azazel.  “From the assembly of...


Service of the Heart: Liturgy

This is an in depth teaching on the Hebrew prayer service.  It traces the expansion of prayer from the time of Moshe to present day and shows just how the words of our mouth...


Early Morning Blessings

This series looks at the early morning blessings in the Hebrew prayer book starting with “Mah Tovu” which means “How Goodly” and which recalls the tents of Jacob.  The prayer speaks of entering into...

Chol HaMoed Pesach 0

Chol HaMoed Pesach

Torah Gemstones:  Chol HaMoed Pesach Exodus 33:12-34:26   This week’s Torah reading is actually a portion from Ki Tissa (when you take) that was chosen by the rabbis to connect to Chol haMoed Pesach...


The Prayer Service

In this 4-part DVD series, Dr. Diana Dye explains the richness and relevance of the Jewish prayer service, and shows us where references to the prayers appear in the New Testament. These prayers are...


Chanukah and the Tabernacle

Chanukah, the Feast of Dedication, is familiar to many of us and is based on a story from the book of Macabbees.   Some believe the Macabbees based the date for Chanukah, Kislev 25, on...


Giving Thanks!

Thanksgiving is a special time for most Americans.  My family enjoys this unique celebration because we love to take time to recognize God’s bounty in our lives, and to reflect on the price paid...

Chol HaMoed Sukkot (Intermediate days of Sukkot) 0

Chol HaMoed Sukkot (Intermediate days of Sukkot)

Torah Gemstones – Chol haMoed Sukkot (intermediate days of Sukkot) – Ezekiel 33:12-34:26 It was a Chol haMoed Sukkot (the intermediate days of Sukkot) when Yeshua arrived at the Temple precincts in John 7...