Kedoshim: Scars or Tattoos!
Click on the link below to hear the audio from Kedoshim: Shalom and welcome to this week’s Torah portion Kedoshim. I would like to first look at a particular verse in this portion -...
Click on the link below to hear the audio from Kedoshim: Shalom and welcome to this week’s Torah portion Kedoshim. I would like to first look at a particular verse in this portion -...
There were specific instructions to deal with a woman caught in the act of adultery that included the “sotah,” which was a ceremony for the “one who had strayed.” There were also special instructions...
The people were expecting a prophet to come like Moshe but they couldn’t understand how he could come from the Galilee. This teaching explains how the area of the Galilee was prophetically important to...
Click on the link below to hear the audio from Chol HaMoed Passover: Part 1 – Audio Shalom and Chag Sameach Pesach! We are in the intermediate days of Pesach, which includes this week’s...
This teaching reveals the significance of Yeshua’s statement “out of his belly” by examining the Gihon Spring, the main water supply for Jerusalem and the Pool of Shiloach where the ceremony of the water...
The last great day of the festival in John seven is Hoshanah Rabbah or the day of the Great Salvation, which takes place on the seventh day of Sukkot. The themes of this day...
Click on the link to hear Diana’s audio teaching from Shemini. Audio version: Part 1 – Audio Written version: Shalom, and welcome to this week’s Torah portion Shemini, which means “eighth.” We begin...
In this teaching, a contrast is made between bread that comes up from the earth, and manna, which comes down from heaven. The teaching also links the manna to the leftovers and the double...
Click on the link to hear Diana’s audio teaching from Tzav. Part 1 – Audio Tzav (Leviticus 6:1-8:36) Shalom, this is Dr. Diana Dye and welcome to this week’s portion from Leviticus or Vayikra...