Category: All Teachings


Fig Tree Updated: 8 Part teaching

This series begins with a discussion on the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which the sages concluded was a fig tree.  Rashi, for instance, made an interesting observation about the tree saying,...


Chukkat (regulations)

This week’s portion examines the offering of the red heifer (parah adumah), which is considered to be one of those ordinances that only makes sense in the divine realm but not in the natural...


The Wedding Week (6 parts)

The Wedding Week examines the pattern of sevens in the ancient wedding and connects those sevens to the creation week, the 7 years of the Sh’mittah, the seven annual festivals, the 70 years of...


Nasso: The Priests are the Support for the House

Click on the link to hear the audio from Nasso: Torah Gemstones: Nasso (to carry, or to raise up) Numbers 4:21-7:89 The Torah portion Nasso begins with a commandment from God to Moshe to...


A wise Woman Builds her House

This teaching discusses the role of women in building a house and why the sages often allude to the idea that a man’s wife is called his house. This principle connects to the concept...


The Counting of Heads is for the Sanctuary

Click on the link below to hear the audio from BaMidbar:    Welcome to this week’s Torah portion, Bamidbar, which means “in the Wilderness.” Within the word Bamidbar is “devar,” which is usually translated...