Author: Dinah Dye
Noach: The Altar, the Offering, the Ash and the Seed
Click on the link to hear the audio from Noach:
Yom Kippur: Standing Between the Dead and the Living
Click on the link to hear the audio for Yom Kippur:
Netzavim: If You Don’t Stand for Something You’ll Fall for Anything
Click on the link to hear the audio from Netzavim:
Foundation of the House
This series lays the groundwork for understanding some of the most important aspects of the Temple. The three sessions, Foundation of the House, The House that God Built and the Temple is a Body, cover...
The Birth of the Kingdom (8 parts)
This teaching traces the concept of the birth of the Kingdom of Heaven from the creation all the way through the Scriptures to the book of Revelation. It explains how the creation of the universe...
Shoftim: The Altar of Your Heart-Real or Counterfeit!”
Click on the link to hear the audio from Shoftim: